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Clearly some — I take that back… steak house chatham MANY artists DO make art with money in mind. I’m guilty of making art for money. I set out day one to feed my kids making and selling art.

m articulation

  • Welcome, fellow human, to a different country than the one you woke up to this morning.
  • Get people in the door to see something.
  • There is nothing really anyone can say to lessen the pain.
  • Some people will never ‘get’, for example, abstract paintings…

I paint much better now than I did when I was a professional artist. I’m a retired hobbyist like many, but I still love it and now I’m free to do thousands of renderings of one cat whether anyone else wants to buy pictures of him or not. I learned as much from painting him as I did from painting hundreds of tourists. The funeral home prepares it to be viewed by friends and family or makes it ready for burial or cremation. The body is washed and disinfected.

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Too bad you missed the boat on this one, Art. If you had only waited a respectable time before you replaced your soul mate, Ramona, with a little girl who probably can’t hold a candle to her….you would have had our respect & love. Now I have nothing but contempt for you.

Hi, I am very sorry for your loss and understand this is a difficult time. I am mourning the loss of my husband and it’s the hardest thing I have ever faced in life. I will say that I feel that some sense of guilt is part of the mourning process.

We Relate To How They Died

It may be, or not, making a statement, but making a statement isn’t art by itself. Charlotte, you say “… the current trend of thought is so strongly biased towards the relativistic and the egocentric..” Yes, and so is our current zeitgeist! If our culture is relativistic and egocentric, we can certainly expect the art coming out of this world-view to be expressive of its status. However, I still think that something created by a person who “makes things” is a mark. The designer of the urinal in the “mixed media with found objects” work was making a mark. The person who chose that to mix with other media and hang in a museum was making his mark too.

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What your mom is seeing are demons impersonating your son. You really should allow God to strengthen you. Draw closer to him because you will find peace. I pray you will consider reading the bible because the word of God will comfort and guide you. That is your son and I hope you had the opportunity to eulogize him as you preferred.

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It has rippled out and touched your radio families lives in such a way that if each of us could take upon our shoulders some of your sorrow and pain, we would gladly do it without hesitation. I love you, Art, and will continue to pray that God will comfort your heart at this very sad time . May the love and beautiful spirt of Ramona’s life bring you peace and strength to get through. I was married to an emotionally and physically abusive man for 29 years before we separated. I was no angel in the relationshsip as I could be very provocative sometimes. He suffered from bi-polar and was an alcoholic and made mine and our 2 children’s lives hell sometimes.

I’ll carry those lesson with me. I will take what I like and leave the rest. I didn’t love her, didn’t phone every day. But now I am overwhelmed and I cry a lot. My eldest daughter is 19, and said she feels a bit like she was never loved by her, was never good enough for her, she feels guilty as well. The only one to have had a relationship with her was my son.