5 Best Practices for Effective Board Meetings

Board meetings should be engaging and productive with a focus on the goals and the strategic direction of the organization. Using the following best practices boards can maximize participation and effectiveness while enhancing efficiency, decision-making, and governance.

Make sure that the Attendance of all employees is guaranteed.

A quick review of the agenda and a brief summary of the highlights of the previous pre-meetings, in person or over the phone will help set an optimistic mood for the remainder of your board meeting. This will ensure that a quorum of members is present for business.

Examine in depth the most important items

Effective board meetings should contain time for a thorough discussion. However, overly long agendas can drown out participants with routine reports and “have to” items that hinder discussions of important and strategic issues.

Encourage participation board meeting by creating an environment that is safe and respectful

A culture that encourages participation and respects different opinions is essential for engaging discussions. This can be accomplished by ensuring that all board members speak up while avoiding attacks on individual members, and promoting an open dialog. This can also be achieved by using facilitatory techniques and board evaluations that promote productive and informed discussions.

Clarify the process of decision-making to avoid disagreements, confusion and miscommunication. Declare whether decisions will be taken by consensus, majority vote, or some other method, and record the outcomes accurately in your board’s minutes. Also, be clear about how you will handle follow-up and accountability issues.

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