How to Manage Productive Online Board Meetings

Online board meetings are becoming more commonplace as companies move into a virtual office environment. This new way of conducting business requires a little more discipline than meetings held in person, but can be just as productive when the meeting is managed effectively. It is crucial to establish clear expectations for all participants at the beginning of the meeting and ensure that they follow the guidelines for the meeting.

During the meeting, keep discussions in the focus of the most important agenda items. Keep the agenda short, and break it down into 15-minute sections to avoid fatigue. This will allow you to swiftly move through the agenda. Add breaks directly to the agenda. This can boost the energy of discussions and increase participation.

Brainstorming sessions can be a great method of encouraging creativity in meetings and can result in some great ideas. But, it’s crucial to ensure that everyone in the team feels comfortable speaking up during these types of discussions. Sometimes, it’s easy for quiet or shy team members to be overlooked in these types of discussions and you must be aware of them.

After the meeting, remind all attendees of any important follow-up obligations including completing the board survey or providing additional information or information requested during meeting. They can be easily handled with a robust management of boards software that allows for an effortless distribution of documents to all participants.

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