Dealing With Board Directors

Boards of directors are vital in holding nonprofit organizations accountable for their fiduciary responsibilities and strategic direction. They are a group of individuals who have diverse backgrounds and experience to make decisions regarding the direction of an organization. Unfortunately boards do not always function smoothly. This is due primarily to a lack of planning, training, and communication.

If a certain board member’s behavior causes a significant amount of friction within the Board it might be an appropriate time to tackle the issue. If the director is acting in a manner that causes division, is abusive or excessive the way they conduct themselves can be detrimental to the mission of the organization.

Direct intervention is the first step to dealing with problematic board members. The board chair should sit down with each member and explain to them why their behavior is unacceptable. Remind them that they were appointed to the board based on their expertise and experience and that it’s the best interest of everyone to perform their duties effectively.

The next step is to collect details and evidence about the conduct of the board member who caused a problem. A code of conduct is an effective method to prevent problematic behaviors because it outlines the expectations of board members.

iBabs’ board portal makes it easy for directors to communicate during meetings. It also simplifies the process of following up on action items by recording who reads and opens documents. To learn more, request a demo today!

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