How to Have a Great Board Meeting

There is no doubt that coordinating a board meeting can be a lengthy and stressful task. If your meetings lack structure, focus or energy, it can cost you in the form of missed opportunities and lost productivity. There are simple things you can implement to ensure your directors are involved and participate in a successful board meeting.

Make sure you review your meetings at least once a year

One of the best ways to improve your meetings is by gathering feedback. After a few of your meetings and discussions, ask your board members to take two sticky notes, and mark “+” on the parts that were positive and “-” on the areas that could be improved. Then, they should stick notes on a poster which they can put on the door of the meeting, allowing everyone to see what needs to be altered.

Control Your Time

Keep your meetings brief to allow for meaningful discussion and taking decisions. Avoid the temptation to include lengthy reports and “have to” items on your agenda. Instead of delving into the detail that you have already published in your book for board members you might consider breaking it down into smaller discussion topics or allowing your directors to conduct their own research and come to the meeting with questions to be discussed.

Board meetings can also be a way to rev up the team’s energy and encourage to take action. Incorporate “mission moments” into the meeting, where your board members will listen to testimonials and stories about the impact your organization has on the lives of people. This is a great motivational booster for the group.

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